Carlos Rodriguez

His observational humor touches beyond common daily occurrences to deep-rooted memories of his childhood — a set of his material often covering everything from views on universal experiences to some of the most offbeat subject matter imaginable. He’s performed at clubs all across the country, and on international stages on three different continents.

Jazmyn W

In August of last year, Jazmyn quit her full time, six-figure job to do stand up comedy full time. After working in corporate America for six years, on the brink of another promotion, she was at a fork in the road. She had been doing comedy almost five years and it was the ONLY side […]

Jack Jr.

As the son of comedy club owners, Jack essentially grew up in the comedy scene, and over the years made the transition from spectator to on-stage performer. Over the last few years he has delved into the acting and writing world and has moved his way up the ladder to find himself traveling across the […]